
Looking for a demo of STRUCTURA.IO? Have a question? Something else? We’re here to help.

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General Questions

Can STRUCTURA.IO be used by beginners in Infrastructure as Code (IaC)?

Absolutely! STRUCTURA.IO is designed to be user-friendly, catering to both beginners and experts in IaC. With intuitive UI-based tools and pre-configured modules, users can focus more on infrastructure needs rather than complex syntaxes.

Does this work with existing code?

Yes. STRUCTURA.IO can read-in existing Terraform (HCL) code and automatically visualize the code.

How can one get started with STRUCTURA.IO?

To get started with STRUCTURA.IO, users can visit the official website, explore the range of solutions offered, and reach out to the support team for a consultation and demonstration.

How does STRUCTURA.IO ensure cost management?

The platform features a Cost Explorer, providing teams with clear visibility into infrastructure expenses, enabling them to pinpoint impactful changes and optimize costs more effectively.

How does STRUCTURA.IO support cybersecurity and compliance?

STRUCTURA.IO is built with security at its core, integrating Advanced Zero Trust and CMMC Level 2 modules. It ensures that infrastructure deployment aligns with the latest cybersecurity standards, reducing risks and ensuring compliance.

How does the AI and NLP integration in STRUCTURA.IO enhance the platform?

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) enables STRUCTURA.IO to explain existing IaC implementations, refactor code, and generate new infrastructure seamlessly. This promotes efficient and error-free operations.

Is STRUCTURA.IO limited to specific platforms or tools?

No. STRUCTURA.IO is designed to be versatile. While it offers tools for platforms like Platform One’s Big Bang, it is built to accommodate and streamline a variety of infrastructure tools and platforms.

Is it a desktop and or web application?

STRUCTURA.IO is currently a desktop application.

What are the benefits of using STRUCTURA.IO?

There are many benefits to using STRUCTURA.IO, including:

  • Ease Of Use: STRUCTURA.IO provides a visual interface and drag-and-drop functionality that makes it easy to create and deploy IaC code, even for users without coding experience.
  • Security: STRUCTURA.IO includes several features that help to improve security, such as built-in validation, templating, and version control.
  • Compliance: STRUCTURA.IO can help organizations achieve compliance with industry standards such as SOC 2 and HIPAA.
  • Efficiency: STRUCTURA.IO can help organizations improve the efficiency of their IaC development and deployment processes.

What are the use cases for STRUCTURA.IO?

STRUCTURA.IO can be used for a variety of use cases, including:

  • Building and Deploying Cloud Infrastructure: STRUCTURA.IO can be used to build and deploy cloud infrastructure on platforms such as AWS, Azure, and GCP.
  • Deploying On-Premises Infrastructure: STRUCTURA.IO can also be used to deploy on-premises infrastructure using tools such as Ansible and Chef.
  • Deploying Kubernetes: STRUCTURA.IO can be used to deploy and manage Kubernetes clusters.
  • Automating Infrastructure Deployments: STRUCTURA.IO can be used to automate the deployment of infrastructure, which can help to reduce errors and improve efficiency.


STRUCTURA.IO is a cutting-edge platform designed to streamline Infrastructure as Code (IaC) management, making it intuitive and accessible for users of all skill levels. It offers tools for seamless deployment, monitoring, and management of infrastructure across various environments.

What kind of deployment flexibility does STRUCTURA.IO offer?

STRUCTURA.IO supports a wide range of deployment environments, from on-premise to multi-cloud setups. It is equipped to handle deployments anywhere, from commercial clouds to government clouds, and even air-gapped environments.

Who can use STRUCTURA.IO?

STRUCTURA.IO can be used by anyone who is involved in the development, deployment, or management of infrastructure. This includes engineers, DevOps teams, and IT managers.