SD-WAN with STRUCTURA.IO exclusive “Silver Peak” provider

Time Saved
Silver Peak Terraform Provider Structura


One of our customers had a big Silver Peak SD-WAN global production network. Individually configuring all of the edge connects, BGP neighbors, etc., across the network was not only time consuming, but error prone and not repeatable. These are common problems in the industry - problems that things like “Infrastructure as Code” (IaC) were designed to solve. However, in order for a product (Silver Peak) to be able to be managed using infrastructure as code, there must be a middleman that takes the IaC and converts it into a form that works with the product's API. That "middleman" is what a Terraform provider essentially is.



Knowing the scale and challenge we were facing, the development team here at created a custom Terraform provider for Silver Peak, containing over 53 unique resources. With little-to-no Terraform experience, utilizing Structura enabled the customer to write a complete Terraform project that successfully deployed 28 edge connects, 112 BGP neighbors, 56 tunnels and VTIs, and 28 loopback interfaces. The deployment was 90% faster than using the customer's traditional methods. What originally took two weeks to do manually for only 2 edge connects, took only 6 hours to do with for 28 edge connects.

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